October 2021 Issue

  • “Fantastic Voyage”
    Stockholm metro, the “world’s longest art gallery,” enhances accessibility with new TKE escalators.
  • Focus on Communications Systems
    Emergency phone solutions, code compliance, history and more.
  • Moving On Up
    EW interviews Mike Corbo, the first U.S.-based Mitsubishi Electric US president and CEO.
"Fantastic Voyage"

“Fantastic Voyage”

Moving On Up

Moving On Up

Up To Par

Up To Par

Traction MRLs Replace Coastal Site’s Aging Hydraulics

Traction MRLs Replace Coastal Site’s Aging Hydraulics

Elevating History

Elevating History

The stand-alone cellular emergency phone solution

The Stand-alone Cellular Emergency Phone Solution

Code Compliance

Code Compliance

Elevators As Communications Systems

Elevators As Communications Systems

A Smart Platform for Real-Time Results

A Smart Platform for Real-Time Results

Construction of Poincare Space Map and Phase Plan Map for Escalators, Part 1

Construction of Poincare Space Map and Phase Plan Map for Escalators, Part 1

Young, Smart and Focused on Growth

Young, Smart and Focused on Growth


Onward and Upward

Market Updates: Germany and Austria

Market Updates: Germany and Austria

Interface for the Future

Interface for the Future

Land of Opportunity

Land of Opportunity

Vertical Sliding Door Maintenance

Vertical Sliding Door Maintenance

They Said Who?

They Said Who?